Detroit Outdoors End of Year Celebration

Detroit Outdoors End of Year Celebration

  • Detroit Exploration & Nature Center (D.E.N.) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come share your stories, celebrate successes and build community as we reflect on another amazing year connecting youth to nature.

Detroit Outdoors is having an end of the year holiday celebration and we would love to see you there! This will be a potluck style party, so please feel free to bring a dish, beverage, or item that you desire! No pressure to bring anything, but any culinary delight you share will be enthusiastically received with open arms (and stomachs).

Please RSVP and share any items you plan on bringing so we can have a well-rounded spread and enough food for everyone.

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Youth Ice Climbing Fundraiser

Youth Ice Climbing Fundraiser

Want to learn more about Ice Climbing, but don’t like the cold?

Join us, December 1st at Dyno Detroit where the organizers of Michigan Ice Fest, will be doing a Dry-tooling clinic! This is in collaboration with our Youth Ice Climbing Trip fundraiser and any funds donated at this event, Dyno Detroit will match up to $2500!

Bring yourselves and a friend! We hope to see you all there!

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